District 5 Municipality Work Notification Form
MassDOT will be conducting work in your community in the near future. The following project information is being forwarded for distribution to appropriate Municipal Departments.
For questions, please contact the District 5 Construction Office at 857-368-5104. Resident Engineer cell phone numbers are for the use of Municipal Officials only, and should not be distributed to the general public. Please direct all public questions and complaints to the District 5 Construction Office at 857-368-5104.
Project Location (City/Town):
Foxborough, MA (Bridge Locations)
I-495 over: I-95 SB (F-06-027) (3RA) & (F-06-027) (3RB)
I-495 under: Rt-106 Green Street (F-06-026) (3W0); South Street (F-06-025) (3XL & 3XM); & Spruce Street (F-06-023) (3XN & 3XP)
Estimated Start Date of Work: July 11th, 2024 (Earliest)
Project Type: Bridge Washing & Cleaning
Description of Work: Cleaning at Bridge Locations along the I-495 corridor
Contractor: Prime Coatings Inc.
Hours of Operation (Day/Night): Day (7:00AM – 3:30PM) (Mon-Fri)
Potential Night Hours (8:00PM-5:30AM) (Sun-Thurs)
*Days/Hours of operation are subject to change based on the expected traffic impacts at each bridge location.
Description of Traffic Management:
Temporary Traffic Control Typical Details and Massachusetts Guidelines for MassDOT will be utilized, using police detail officers for various lane & shoulder closure setups along the I-495 corridor and relevant secondary roads. At least one travel lane in each direction will be maintained at all times. No lane/shoulder closures are proposed until 7/11/24 and all ramps will remain open. Traffic Police will be on site to assist with traffic control and safety setups.
Estimated Duration of Work: July 11th, 2024 through February 2026
There will not be constant work during this period of time. This is just a representation of when the work will be completed by, as there are many other work locations in other cities/towns.
Work will begin with setups on secondary roads and will progress to setups on I-495 in the future. As mentioned before, work hours/days are subject to change.
Additional Information: All work to be performed is weather dependent.
Everbridge Incident ID # 1696960369535870
PLEASE NOTE: Drivers who are traveling through the affected areas should expect delays, reduce speed, and use caution. All scheduled work is weather dependent and/or may be impacted due to an emergency situation.
For additional traveler information, please visit MassDOT’s Travel Information Service at mass511.com